Thursday, July 10, 2008

this blog is DEAD

For numerous reasons I have changed my blog to a new address at wordpress. Here is the link:

I have moved everything over except for the comments people have made.

This will be the last time that I move this blog so sorry for the inconvenience.

The King of Kong

If you have not seen this documentary you need to check it out. It is throughly entertaining and a VERY educational look into the world of classic video gamers.

after you see this you will have a much greater appreciation for this picture:

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Seattle Communion

I hate blogging but got this email from a pastor at our church and needed to share it.

Dear Friends,

In an effort to make communion as accessible as possible, we have decided to add an “allergen-free” communion option at Grace. Beginning this Sunday, we will offer communion wafers that are gluten/wheat/yeast free. It will be on the communion table along with a cup of wine and grape juice for dipping the wafers into. These cups will not be used for dipping the wafers and not the communion bread, so hopefully there will not be any cross-contamination issues.

Since this is a new process, there may be some wrinkles we need to iron out as we go.

Warmly in Christ,
Steve Beveridge