I hate blogging but got this email from a pastor at our church and needed to share it.
Dear Friends,
In an effort to make communion as accessible as possible, we have decided to add an “allergen-free” communion option at Grace. Beginning this Sunday, we will offer communion wafers that are gluten/wheat/yeast free. It will be on the communion table along with a cup of wine and grape juice for dipping the wafers into. These cups will not be used for dipping the wafers and not the communion bread, so hopefully there will not be any cross-contamination issues.
Since this is a new process, there may be some wrinkles we need to iron out as we go.
Warmly in Christ,
Steve Beveridge
Wow, that's really interesting. Actually, considering the format of communion in most churches, I think this fits (especially since my son is severely allergic to wheat).
But I think it really brings up a much deeper issue of what communion is and how it's practiced by believers... this illustrates how far we've moved away from the original idea of the Lord's Supper... it's become such an individual, ritualistic ceremony, and not the celebration of Christian fellowship that it was in the early church. Interesting...
At first, I wanted to drag my heels on this one, until I learned that every week some people were not able to come to our common communion table. It's been such an easy change to make, and it was important to us that the elements be offered in the same way and physically at the same table as the rest—no line to the side or kiosk in the back.
Amy & I were able to serve communion this Sunday (because a sick baby called away her parents who were scheduled to serve), and there was something beautiful about seeing one member be physically able to take communion alongside the rest of her church—something she hadn't been able to do the week before. There was a gratitude in her eyes that trumped any leftover cynicism I may have had.
Our communion now includes more of our community rather than leaving some to fend for themselves. It's a small thing, but it's so great to learn to do a small thing in a way that's redemptive. We have a lot more steps ahead of us, and we'll need a lot of forgiveness, but we're walking.
lee, that's awesome. thanks for your post. kudos to anyone in my book who can merge purpose and pragmatics.
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